
Guess Who's Back!

So I totally forgot where I was keeping my blog, don't judge me, I have a lot of kids and I kind of drink a lot.  Well I FINALLY got back into it and I'M BACK!

So here's what I have been up to since like 700 years ago:
I started working, I resigned, I am again about to be unemployed. Oh, and I also now sell my crafty creations on my super fabulously named boutique Funky Flamingo Boutique  ... feel free to check it out, I am unemployed now after all.

I still live in Stepford and the majority of our neighbors still don't really like us but we do have some cools ones now.

So to start stuff off I figured I would share my resignation letter to my staff. As I am sure you can imagine it was not the norm:

Subject Line: Foot Fungus or Drunk Fairy Godmother, Either Way I'm Your Girl

To My Work Family,

It is with a heavy heart that I need to inform you all that I am leaving.  I hired my replacement today, he starts on Wednesday, February 7th and my last day will be Friday, February 16th. I will be available after that for anything anyone needs. Please, for the love of god, hide your crazy long enough for him to love you crazy kids.  

I am going to be making a huge career change, the hours are long and the pay sucks but the benefits are AMAZING…. I am going to be a stay at home mom. 

After spending 12 hours a day away from my kids for the last year I realized I was missing so much more than just making dinner or helping with homework, I was missing them growing up. I was missing what my mom used to call the “good old days”. 

This is a scary time in my life but it’s not the first one and it won’t be the last. I am kissing my paycheck goodbye so I can enjoy the “good old days” before they become the “good old days”.  My parents are gone now, all I have of them are the memories, I want that for my kids. I want to be the best mom I can and working 40+ hours at an office an hour away from my house isn’t going to give them that.

Beginnings are scary and endings are sad, this transition is both a new beginning and ending for me…and for you all too but remember, sometimes endings come just when you need them so a new beginning can bring you great things. You all are capable of GREAT things! 

I am so unbelievably grateful for my time here. I feel that I brought new life into this old dog, and in some ways, you all did that for me as well.

I feel like I am the foul-mouthed fairy godmother who gives you just enough of what you need and then disappears in a cloud of whiskey smelling dusty, I have given you all the tools to succeed and now it’s up to you all. Go my little cinderellas! Get that prince!

Anyone that wants to join me for a farewell happy hour is welcome. Place and time to be announced.

This is not goodbye, it’s see you later. I'm like a bad case of foot fungus...you will have a hard time getting rid of me for good!

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